Tag Archives: missed birthdays

Mommy Dearest

I can’t believe I’m going to tell you this… but… I forgot my third son’s birthday for most of the day yesterday! I even made him (all of them) go outside and work in the mud without so much as a birthday hug, greeting or special breakfast. šŸ˜¦

Okay, now that I’ve confessed, let me follow-upĀ with the fact that we celebrated his birthdayĀ and all the fanfareĀ back in October – his “fake birthday”! He got gifts, cake, cards, hugs and a party on that day… but still… a mamma should at least acknowledge his birth on the actual day.

I’m bad.

When I finally caught the error, I had fun making up for it… and we had a good laugh… but still.


Friday night we took the oldest one out to eat for HIS birthday… and JJ’s as well… and he did get a card that night from us… but it just seemed so wrong to not say anything for most of the day on his actual birthday.

Poor kid.

He’s fine, and I’ll get over it.

Happy Birthday JJ!!

You are one of the most creative, sweet and funny people I’ve ever met!!

I love ya!


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